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Robert Dunleavy

VP-1 completed in 1998.

300 plus hours of fun since completed.

Follow Up Message From Robert Dunleavy 

I had not been to the website in a while. Imagine my surprise when I see my plane (n115rd) and I as one of the first things seen on the web site..It was a very pleasant and unexpected honor.


I wrote a short note to Bud when I finished my plane and he was kind enough to write back and send a pic of the first one with some of his friends in the pic. I'm glad to see you're keeping his legacy alive and well, he would be very proud..It's a shame how many of the early designs died with their designer. Glad the vp was not one of them.


I sold mine a few years back, it was a part of my life for thirty years and I still think of it fondly and miss it....thanks...Robert

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